Thursday, May 14, 2009

Schall meets REALITY day 9

Wow.. I can't believe it has been 6 days since I last posted! Well, I will try harder to make sure I take out some time each day..even if it is only to publish what I eat without any commentary.

So day 9, all raw up until the end of the evening. I WANTED that full feeling in my tummy. This is the hardest part of eating only raw for so many people - how light it is. It is very hard to get used to!

The other reason it is hard to eat 100% raw is because most of us don't believe that it has to be an all or nothing deal. Once I attended Living Light Culinary Arts school, I realized that I wasn't going to be dogmatic about the diet. I am not that way about anything else in my life either. Prior to Living Light I was always wanting to be 100% raw. But when I saw Cherie Soria (60 years old at the time) so fit and healthy, her husband Dan, so fit and healthy, Jenny Cornbleet so fit and healthy, and they simply said "We don't eat 100% raw". I realized the reality of it then.

Like I said in an earlier post - the only reason I am doing this now is to detox in a natural way. I don't feel the "pressure" to be 100% raw anymore and I don't urge others to it anymore either. My personal mission is to get all of us eating more fruits and vegetables and to begin the process of cutting out the crap foods.

Matt Monarch who is 100% raw points out that raw fooders are dying in their 80's and 90's just like people who are eating healthier versions of cooked foods.

I am glad that you have the opportunity to see me go through this AS I AM DOING IT, I think it makes the process more real than than if I was to talk about processes that have already happened.

So I gave into the cravings about day 9 ate 100% raw on day 10 ate more raw food on day 11 mostly raw on day 12 but about half and half until today (day 14 and I'm still raw today)

These days I believe that it isn't really about cooked vs raw ... because steamed broccoli has a completely different value than french fries (or a latte with pumpkin bread - NOPE I didn't have latte or pumpkin bread!)

So I ate some cooked food that wasn't on my NO list and I ate some that WAS on my NO list. Again, it's a process folks. I want to be raw right now to detox the processed foods out that I had re-introduced. My goal as I talked about in an earlier post is to cut out completely the processed carbohydrates, refined sugar (not a real issue for me anyway), and dairy. I want to extremely limit oils and fish. That will leave me with a really healthy diet especially since most of it will be raw.

One of the success principles that I have been taught is to shoot for the moon and if you fall short you will still most likely land higher than if you just shoot for the mountaintops. That principle applies here. Shoot for raw vegan and you will eat much better overall most of the time.

Finally this post is your "Get out of guilt FREE" pass. If you are like me, you just want to be healthy and live a long, productive, and active life. There are a lot of ways to get there! If you eat something that you know makes you feel bad or that you know over time will damage your body, start over... day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.

For my dogmatic friends out there ...... I am on a different path but I'll walk with you anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Schall,
    How are you doing? Are you OK?
    Two weeks since you last post and I didn't see you at VOD last Friday. I hope that all is well . . . .
