Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Schall 100% Raw - Day 4

I nearly didn't make it yesterday! In fact I had decided twice to go and get some hot vegan soup. I really wanted something hearty. It passed both times and here is what I am doing to get through those moments.

First, don't let your mind think about it... change the subject immediately when you start thinking about something you want to eat that isn't on your list of healthy foods.

Second, the truth is that it is not just that you are hungry. If you were just trying to satisfy some hunger anything would do. No, it is more about the foods that intrigue us and offer a certain experience. So if you feel that you ONLY WANT THAT...then it isn't even true hunger. Drink some water, juice, a smoothie, a salad etc and it will pass when you actually satisfy your bodies need for food.

Keep snacking on raw foods throughout the day to keep the cravings at bay in the first place.

I am trying to locate my actual sheet from yesterday - I'll start using my planner. will post the exact food when I find it!!! It was a lot of OJ, Cashew Choc Milk, Bananas, Green Smoothie and Salad.

I am feeling better already .... here is why:
Breathing better..less congestion
losing weight - like it is already melting off of me... which tells me I was made of gunk!

I am also detoxing some emotions though....whew I was cranky yesterday!! (no one apparently noticed so I did a good job of keeping it to myself) I am a very pleasant happy person (which people do notice) and my husband is always saying "How can you be so happy ALL the time!" which means he wonders why when things don't go right I am almost unaffected.....

I like to be happy!

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